Thursday, 23 July 2015

My Journey

I hike along the bleached landscape, up along frosty

 mountains along icy rigs and down the steep slops.  I can 

hear my mates gasping, sucking the oxygen out of the air. 

 The snow is scattered every were like sugar scattered every

were.  It is hot but cold at the same time I have not

experienced   extreme weather like this before.  The jagged

rocks in the snow remind me of cookies and cream. The

 summit is within reach it is so close i can smell it.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

The Indian Elephant

The Indian Elephant

This large animal, 6-11 feet at the shoulder, needs a lot of space and food to survive.
The average India Elephant eats for up to 19 hours a day and can make 220 pounds of dung each day.  The elephant eats a range of grass, bark, leaves, stems and cultivated crops such as bananas, rice and sugar cane.  It can eat up to 300 kg of food and 160 ltr of water daily.  
Human/Elephant Conflict
Elephant numbers are going down because of illegal wildlife trade and poaching.  Because of logging and forests getting destroyed elephants raid farmer's crops and the farmers shoot the elephants.  Logging is responsible for many elephant deaths.

The average Indian Elephant will sleep 3-12 hours a day. An elephant can smell water from 12 miles away.  To prevent sunburn the elephants will use sand to protect them from the suns glaze.


They are not safe so we as humans need to help them by setting up sanctuaries or nature parks so they have freedom to roam without being harmed.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

The shark

I am floating there petrified as the big long shark glides below.

The dark green kelp weaves its way up in to the murky water.

There are two fluorescet orange fish floating under the shark bale

Sunday, 17 May 2015

my Grandad

Phil my Grandad he has hair like a baby seal, grey and glossy. It feels like freshly cut grass.  It is smooth like the side of a horse’s nose.  He has a rude sense of  humour.  He is caring like a mother duck.  I love my Grandad.

Monday, 11 May 2015



Dear Family.

Every thing is good.  Can you send me some more Anzac biscuits?

It is not like I thought it would be.  We are living in cold, dark trenches. I can hear the bullets spitting into the thick mud. I am angry and I do not know why we are here. We are just standing here getting shot. It  is scary, I am scared. But it will be over soon I hope.

Mum I will see you soon.

Love Theo

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

A Moment In Time

So there I was on the cliff face. I can hear the water smashing against the rocks. I see the distant horizon in front of me. I feel scared and excited at the same time. I said to myself “WOW”. I wonder what is around the corner…